Banking and Finance

We advise our clients in financial and investment activities.

We are specialized in Banking and finance

Our financial services team is a strategic partner for each segment of the sector through every part of the business cycle. We deploy the firm’s talent and experience to help clients focus on new growth and opportunity.

The firm provides advice and guidance to their clients in financial and investment activities. 

The firm’s financial services team is a strategic partner for each segment of the sector through every part of the business part cycle. This means that the team works closely with its clients to understand their specific needs and goals, and then helps them to develop and implement customized strategies that are tailored to their unique situation.

Moreover, the firm deploys its talent and experience to help clients focus on new growth and opportunity. This means that the tem provides insights, recommendations, and support than help clients identify new opportunities for growth and profability. 

Unno Real Estate Lawyers collaborates with national and international banks to seek, if needed, the necessary financing. The firm will review, explain and guide during all the process.

How It Works



The firm provides integral advice on project finance for the purchase, and collaborates with national and international banks to seek the necessary financing. They work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and goals, and guide them through the financial process.



The firm’s financial services team develops and implements customized strategies that are tailored to their clients’ unique situation. They provide insights, recommendations, and support that help clients identify new opportunities for growth and profitability.


Take Action

We review, explain, and guide clients during all the financial process and provide support throughout every part of the business cycle. This involves completing legal and financial documentation, negotiating terms, and establishing partnerships with national and international banks.
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