Legal Notice

Identification data

The company that owns unnorealestatelawyers is TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL, with registered office at Calle Costa Brava 39, 1ºb, escalera derecha, 28034 Madrid and email address

Intellectual property of the website

All intellectual property rights to the content of this website, its graphic design, and source code are exclusively owned by TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL, and we have the exclusive rights to exploit them.

Therefore, reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express authorization of TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL Likewise, all trade names, trademarks, or distinctive signs of any kind contained on this website are protected by law.

Website content and links

At, we do not take responsibility for the misuse of the contents of our website, which is the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them.

We also assume no responsibility for the information contained on third-party websites that can be accessed through links or search engines from the website.

Exchange or dissemination of information

TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL. disclaims all liability arising from the exchange of information between users through its website. We are especially not responsible for the use that minors may make of it in case the accessed content may offend their sensibility.

Updating and modifying the website

TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL. reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its website, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice, and without assuming any responsibility for it.

We assume no responsibility for technical problems or failures in computer equipment that are not attributable to our company, which may occur during connection to the Internet, as well as for damages that may be caused by third parties through unauthorized intrusions outside the control of TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL.

We are also exempt from any liability for possible damages or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects, or omissions in the information provided when it comes from sources external to us.

User data processing

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL, informs its customers that all personal data provided will be included in an automated personal data file, created and maintained under the responsibility of TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL

The purpose of this file is to facilitate the processing of orders and to send commercial offers in the future about products and services that may be of interest to our customers.

TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL. guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data provided. Thus, we undertake to comply with our obligation to keep personal data secret and to take all necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized use. Therefore, all information about our clients will not be used for commercial purposes or shared with third parties.

Customers of TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL. may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition at any time by writing to our email address

Access security

Access to the pages through which TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL ‘s clients consult personal data, request additional information, or contract any of the products we offer is done through a secure line.

Typographical errors

TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL is not responsible for typographical errors in prices, promotions, offers, promotional gift cards, or promotional conditions in general. In the event that such an error occurs, which is always beyond the control of TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL, it will be immediately corrected. If there is a typographical error in any of the displayed prices or promotions, and a customer has made a purchasing decision based on that error, we will inform them of the error, and the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost to them.

Product availability:

TESCOL SPAIN LEGAL MANAGEMENT SL. reserves the right to refund the amount of the order if it is not possible to ship or deliver the merchandise within the terms cited above.

Legislation and jurisdiction:

These general conditions will be interpreted in accordance with the legislation in force in Spain on the matter, which will be applied subsidiarily in everything that has not been foreseen in them. (Basically Law 34/2002 of July 11 on information society services and electronic commerce) Users of our website are aware of all that has been exposed and accept it voluntarily. If you want to make any comments or suggestions, you can use our consultation service.

Online dispute resolution platform:

Online dispute resolution in consumer matters in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link:

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